Saturday, December 13, 2008


These ultrasounds are just the first of what I'm sure will be very many, so with that having been said, I will be posting regularly for those of you interested in watching him or her grow. I don't think it's neccessary to alert my friends and family of a new post anymore, just know to check the blog when you can to see the progress.
Eight weeks into this you can see the changes already compared to the first photo. One thing to keep in mind with ultrasound is the baby moves all around and ultrasound is a two dimensional image, so not all positions the baby might be in are condusive to seeing what anatomy is there. Sometimes though, when the baby is in a good spot, you can get some really nice photos. Most of these perfect photos were never taken because the baby changed positions before I could get just  the right picture, after zooming in on him ( I really think we have a Trevor Jr. on the way ). The most facinating thing I have seen so far is the heart. It started out as just a speck of fast movement, now the chambers are divided and by doppler color flow you can view blood entering as well as exiting the heart. Amazing that such a complex organ that sustains life can be formed in such a short time. I just sit with transducer on my lower belly and watch the heart beating over and over again, and by the time I give birth to him, he will have had over a million heart beats. Incredible!
 I think it's too early to start pointing out small things that are actually there now, such as the face and arms and legs. I do think, when comparing my photos to other photos on the internet, you can point out the abdominal area and head. As fast as this little guy is growing though it will be a matter of weeks and we'll start to recognize all sorts of body parts! Exciting, isn't it? Right now all his major organs are in place and fuctioning, he has well defined fingers and toes, is about the size of a martini olive ( looking forward to one of those drinks one day ) and weighs as much as a paperclip. He is almost 2 cm from crown to rump. This week he is growing lips ( to kiss his mommy with one day ). I am so honored and blessed that it's Trevor's baby. Trevor is my bestfriend and my love. I admire him, his goodness, dedication, loyalty, compassion, everything. So to have his child, with a nice mix of me in there too, is so exciting. I wonder what this kid is going to be like. An artist poet at heart for sure, you can count on that. I hope you enjoy these photos! Feel free to post any comments if you'd like.

His head is on the left and abdomin on right

His heart is the focus here... look for the red dot (color flow doppler was placed here to show blood flow)

This is spectral doppler showing the heart beating, and it's beating very strong and very fast, all good news

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