Saturday, May 9, 2009

29 Weeks... 11 Remaining

So, I really want to post up some images of Maximus, but he hasn't given me anything good to go on. All he has been showing me lately are his arms, legs and feet. His head and face are so far from the probe (what I use to see him) because he is head down and face turned away most of the time that I can't get good photos.

I do feel him now. I felt a movement for the first time around 21 weeks. His kicks are getting stronger. They don't hurt yet, but he makes me fully aware he is there. When I move into a position that is uncomfortable, he kicks me then too. I am so in love with feeling him move inside. I can't even describe the joy that it brings to feel him.

Until I get some good pictures of Max or my big tummy to post up I will put these up to keep you up to date on his size and progress at this point. He probably weighs close to three pounds now and is between 13 - 17 inches in length. The next few weeks will be about putting fat on his body. He would have a 90% chance of survival if born now and would be able to breathe independently.