Wednesday, January 14, 2009


These are a couple of the most recent shots. Next Thursday begins my second trimester! Yesterday was the first half of my second doctors appointment. Next Wednesday is the second half. Yesterday everything went well. The blood work came back good. I have gained 5 more pounds, so that means 10 pounds total gain so far. I was informed this gain is well within what the doctor would expect at 13 weeks. With moving and all that's going on I probably will not post much more this month. Next month we will find out what we're having and whether to get blue or pink (crossing fingers for blue)!!! Hopefully February will bring about a lot of exciting news ; ) !!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Baby Stretches

He sucks his thumb

Sucking thumb

His hand is in front of his abdomin and amniotic membrane below his leg

Good arm picture and look closely for two tiny ribs

He's really getting big

A good CRL (crown to rump length) of 4.8 cm, or about 2 inches, larger than his most recent measurement because he stretched out for these photos

Saturday, January 3, 2009

11 weeks!!!

The first trimester is coming to a close with a little over a week to go before entering the second. So far so good!!! The baby is about the size of a fig and this week is developing soft fingernails and hair. He still moves a lot, even more as he gets bigger and you can see him hiccup causing a whole body jerk. The hiccups are frequent as he swallows the amniotic fluid. Though it's hard to see in the photos, his spinal column and tiny ribs can be seen. He is kicking against me now with his long legs, though I still can't feel it. I think that's what I am so excited about is finally feeling him. He moves around his space a lot more now not just staying in one area like he used to. The more he moves the stronger his muscles become and his bones are beginning to harden. Thank you all that are sharing in the joy of this magic with me.

knees are bent

Baby makes a fist

Stretching out legs and curls in feet

The "cheerio" or yolk sac disappearing

Baby Limbs